Thursday, January 22, 2015

LAD #28

Summary of Wilson's First Inaugural

In 1912, Democrat Woodrow Wilson became president after a split in the Republican Party between Republican Taft and Progressive Roosevelt. Wilson recognized the shift to Democratic power in the government and wanted to let the people know that this switch will bring about positive change for the nation. He talked about the need for changes to be made in society and in the morals of the people. Wilson wanted to help get rid of problems like selfishness and corruption that were hurting the nation. He commented on all of the good that came out of the Industrial Revolution and how strong the United States was, but also acknowledged the bad. He vowed to help fix the problems that arose from the revolution and end the current laissez-faire status of the government. Some of the major reforms he talked about were over issues like labor conditions, sanitary laws, and pure food laws. Wilson wanted to reform the nation and for the good of the people and he knew the way to do this was through reforms.


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