Thursday, January 8, 2015

LAD #23

Summary of the Populist Party Platform
The Populist Party Platform began with a Preamble that stressed the poor state of the nation as a result of excessive corruption. Major issues include wages, worker's rights, ballots, silver, and the lack of power held by the common people.  The party wants to restore the government and help the people have a greater influence to solve these issues destroying the country. The Populist Party supports labor unions, believes that the workers should receive the full profit without industry taking away, and that railroads need to stop controlling the people, the people should control the railroads and government should step in to help. Next, the party discussed finances. They wanted a strong national currency issued by the government. They also wanted free coinage of gold and silver, the amount of circulating medium to increase, a graduated income tax, the money in the hands of the people, and for postal savings banks to be established by the government. As far as land and transportation are concerned, the party wanted telegraphs, telephones, and railroads to be run by the government for the good of the people. Overall, the goal of the Populist Party was to compromise with the government in order to benefit the American people and to help the nation become less corrupt and more prosperous in the future.

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