Monday, September 22, 2014

Republican Motherhood Blog

1. What role did the Revolutionary War play in the transformation of housewifery to Republican Motherhood?

As a result of the Revolutionary War, the men of the house left to fight. This was key to the transformation of women. They were required to raise the youth and teach them. In order to this, it was important that women were educated. It was mentioned in documents 1 and 2 that women were to teach their sons about liberty and government. Also, in the third and fourth documents it mentions how the havoc and suffering caused by the war can be lessened if women take a role. All of these examples of women gaining more influence and responsibility in society show the increase of Republican Motherhood.

2. What were the consequences of Republican Motherhood on women?

Republican Motherhood increased the responsibilities and roles of women but they were still only granted these responsibilities in the home. In the first document, it mentions how women were not to "mingle in any great public movements." In other documents, such as document two, it states that women should be educated and be able to write and keep books. Republican Motherhood meant women were educated and could indirectly influence society by teaching the young but did not let that education allow them to directly be involved in government.

3. What is the significance of the ideology of Republican Motherhood as a stage in the process of women's socialization?

Republican Motherhood allowed women to feel important and that their work was necessary. It gave them a sense of pride and even an education. The third document informs women that "the reformation of a world is in your power." Republican Motherhood gave women new responsibility and the ability to influence society, even if that influence was indirectly made through their sons. 

1. Description.

Mary is sitting on a couch with her two young children. They seem to be wealthy and important based on their clothes. 

2. Who serves at the center of the portrait and why? How does the woman look? How is she "republican" rather than aristocratic?

The woman is in the center, indicating her importance in the family and her influence on the children. She looks very well put together and important. She is well dressed but it can be seen that she is republican not aristocratic because despite her nice clothes, she is not dressed as fancy as an aristocrat would have been. 

3. What values do her sons exhibit?

Her sons look happy and healthy. They are being well behaved for the portrait as well. All of these things show that they have been raised very well.

4. Is there a significance to the position of Mrs. Tilghman's arm?

Her arm is in her son's lap. This shows her role in raising her children and teaching her sons important morals and values in addition to things like liberty and government. Women controlled little during this time but they saw their responsibilities in teaching their kids as important. This portrait represents the feelings and beliefs of Republican Motherhood. 

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