Thursday, September 25, 2014

LAD #7: Washington's Farewell Address

In his farewell address, Washington thanked the American people but also cautioned them about their duty to maintain the union and control the factions. He encouraged the various parts of the U.S. (North, South, Frontier) to keep a close knit bond. It is important that America be a diverse people that share common goals. In addition, he also encouraged a sort of checks and balances. He wanted the various factions present to be checked as much as possible. On top of that, even though they will never be removed, he wanted to limit their power as much as possible so that the good of all remains intact. Finally, he stated that in order to preserve the Union, the political parties would have to resist doing anything out of spite or revenge. He believed that the spread of knowlege and morality would help combat the corruption of politicians. 

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