Monday, March 23, 2015

LAD #36

Summary of the Truman Doctrine 
Greece faced complete destruction due to WWII and the lasting effects of German control. They lacked food, roads, railroads, ports, villages were destroyed and there was a crushing inflation. Truman believed the American government needed to step in and help Greece. The most immediate help the U.S. could provide was funds to rebuild, Truman proposed this to Congress. He stressed that the U.S. needed to help out because otherwise Democratic Greece would fall to Communism. He believed if Greece, and other countries in a similar position, weren't helped, they would succumb to Communism and eventually America would too. The U.S. was the only country with the ability to help at the moment due to the damages and debts from the war. On top of that, Truman asked Congress to assist Turkey in the same way. Turkey was also at risk for Communism and Truman wanted to maintain order in Eastern Europe. If the U.S. didn't step in, Greece and Turkey would face even worse circumstances and more problems. Truman urged Congress to help out and send money and supplies over to Greece and Turkey to help rebuild and fight off Communism.

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