Tuesday, November 11, 2014

LAD #13 Calhoun Speech

Summary of John Calhoun's 1850 Speech:

This speech was read by another senator on March 4, 1850 because Calhoun was too ill to read it himself.Calhoun realized that the state of unity in the U.S. was in danger. During the speech he discussed the problems that were facing the Union. He brings up how the South was already bothered with the issues over slavery but now, the tensions have increased and Southern agitation has grown. In addition to this, the South was being buried in government, which was a result of the South having fewer states and a lower population than the North. On top of that, he says, the growth of the  States in the North was only going to continue. At this rate, the North will end up with a substantially bigger representation in the Senate. Similarly, the South claimed that their States were restricted in land claims. This was the result of Northern attempts to gain Texas. Also, the South complained that they received an undue amount of taxation, while the North on the other hand was gaining the  territory and the benefits from the taxes. In addition, the South was being crushed by the tariffs because it was mostly an exporter of goods and had very few factories so the benefits of taxes were not felt by the South. On another note, slavery was a daunting issue still left unresolved and Calhoun went on to say that since the North was so adamant for abolition, the South could only follow suit or secede. Calhoun was extremely fearful of the nation falling apart and he appealed to the North to try and get them to consent to Southern desires in order to preserve the country. He believes if the North gives in to their demands then the tension will dissipate. He goes on to make the important point that only the North can institute the Constitutional amendment needed to re-establish the balance between the North and the South because the North is stronger. Calhoun pressures the Senators to decide if they are going to accept his plan and submit to Southern demands or force the South into secession. He concludes by saying that California will be a test as to whether it is admitted as Northern (which the South will see as the North trying to crush them) or as a Southern state (which will be seen as an effort to appease the South and keep the nation together). 
John C Calhoun by Mathew Brady, 1849.png

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